Here you find all the information you need to figure out if this day is for you and what you need to do and prepare. If you have a question that is not answered here please drop us an email to info.africolab.uk@gmail.com with BPL in the subject line.
When is it?
Tuesday 24th September 2024, 9:30am - 5pm
What are the timings for the day?
- We will start at 9:30am at Charleston, there will be fruit, teas, coffees and pastries available. -Lunch will be around midday/1pm - We will end by 5pm sharp. It takes approximately an hour to get there from Hastings The timings may shift and move depending on what happens in the moment so please free up your time to be present for the whole time- if you have to have your phone on for a specific reason please do let us know
Can I arrive late/leave early?
Unfortunately not. It is important we all start the day together and end the day together. We have carefully planned the day to flow in order to get the most out of the time and to support our facilitators. We also realise we will be meeting people for the first time- it is hard to hold space with intention and care for all if folks arrive in the middle of a session, or leave before we have ended the day. We have lots of other offerings and we will be doing this session again- so perhaps join our mailing list and attend another time.
I have specific access needs- can i be supported?
Please email info.africolab.uk@gmail.com with BPL in the subject line
Who is this day for?
Global Majority people living or working in Hastings, Rother, Eastbourne, Newhaven, Lewes and the surrounds, who hold space for others in their lives. You might be an artist, creative, therapist, carer, nurse etc or you may have caring responsibilities outside of your work. You may have to hold specific racialised space in your work. This is a creative away day for those who are often left holding space to support others and who might not have a space to be held. Global Majority is a collective term that refers to people who are Black, Asian, Brown, indigenous to the Global South, dual-heritage with heritage from the Global South and/or racialized. We use this as it is a phrase that is more empowering than ethnic minority/BAME etc Holding Space for us means you are responsible for caring, the well being of another person and/or group. You might have to look after folks in high pressure or emotional situations as the space holder you often do not have space to centre your needs.
What if I can't make it?
Please let us know as soon as you can. Ideally by 19th September. This will support us to try and allocate your place to someone else. It will also allow us to make changes to our planning. If you cancel your spot after 19th September this become really tricky for us as it means we will still incur the costs of spot without necessarily being able to re-allocate it. As we have had many folks cancel last minute or not turn up after booking we have put into place a rule which means for future free to attend ACL events we will have to ask for a deposit to secure your place.
How much does it cost?
It is free. What?! I know FREE. It is important for us to remove barriers to this type of rest and restorative practice as we know this is often a barrier for many to explore this type of space. The day is costed at around £170 per person and we have worked really hard to fundraise for this in order to make it free to all participants. Last minute cancellations and no-shows have a big impact on the day. The funds invested in your spot don't get used and it also affects our ability to secure funding for future events. . Additionally we often have more interest than space available, so when someone doesn't show up it means another person misses out.
How do I get there?
We have 2 pick up points: St Leonards Warrior Square Lewes Train Station You're welcome to meet us directly at Charleston. Just make sure to stick to the transport or meeting point you've confirmed. We will either travel by train & taxi or coach Afri-Co-Lab will can cover the cost of travel from these pick up points.
What do I need to bring?
We will be working both indoors and outside, so please wear weather appropriate clothing and layers to put on or take off - we will let you know what the weather will be like nearer to the time. We will be moving so please wear or bring comfortable clothing and flat shoes/trainers. If you have a reusable water bottle please bring it. There will be time to reflect and write down thoughts so please bring a note book -if this is something you would like to do (we will have paper on the day)
How can I prepare for the day?
- We will send you a confirmation email to let you know that you have secured your place. - We will also be in touch with a gentle reminder to share some useful bits of info and to confirm travel arrangements, as Charleston House can be tricky to get to. - Finally, we will send you an email the day before our gathering with any last bits of info.
What can I expect to happen on the day?
We will meet at 9:30am for fruit, teas, coffees and pastries. We will meet and introduce each other. We will have one creative session in the morning led by Anna Maria and Deanne, lunch together, time to see Charleston house and gardens, a creative session in the afternoon, more snacks and a closing of the space. There will be breaks and time to reflect throughout the day.
What can I expect to happen after the day?
We will be in touch to find out your thoughts and feedback of the day and we will continue to invite you with your permission to other events happening at Afri-Co-Lab and Charleston?
Who are our funders?
Necessity, Arts Council England and National Lottery
Who will be there?
We will be at Charleston when the house is closed to the public so we will have the place to ourselves apart from other Charleston staff members who are working there. Afri-Co-Lab’s Deanne and Lilly will travel with you from St Leonards to Charleston and we will meet Anna Maria, an ACL teamie and Tan from Charleston there. We will also be joined by an artist facilitator who is leading the afternoon session. The whole team will be there for the whole day. Those travelling with us will travel back as a group.
I am not an artist/creative/mover/ is that okay?
Yes - of course! Though we are using creative and artistic practices throughout the day there is no experience or specific skills needed- just an openness to try and meet the exercise with wherever you are at.